There are plenty of fad diets and quick fix fads on the market. They claim to give you the body you’ve always wanted. They claim that they’ll change your life.
But 95% of diets fail.
Because you can’t simply eat healthy for a set duration - or expect a quick solution.
Healthy is a lifestyle.
It’s something you live by. And the 80-20 rule is a good place to start. Eat reasonably healthy foods 80% of the time. And then, allow yourself to indulge 20% of the time.
So how do you do that exactly?
We’ve got a list of tips and tricks to help you clean up your diet - without actually going on a diet.
1. Eliminate Pre-Packaged Foods
… At least for the most part. And for 80% of the time. It doesn’t mean fully restricting yourself. It simply means eating more of the good stuff - such as whole foods and veggies. Every now and then you’re allowed a treat or that pre-packaged burrito that you absolutely love.
2. Avoid Food That Doesn’t Feel Good
Listen to your body. If something doesn’t feel good sitting in your stomach, don’t eat it. Your body is onto something. And usually, it knows best.
3. Drink More Water
Steer clear of high sugar-containing beverages. Instead, go for a glass of water or 2. Quench that thirst.
You can also take this a step further. If you’re hungry, drink a glass or a couple of glasses of water. You might actually be thirsty - not hungry. And if you’re looking to lose weight, it can help limit your portion sizes at dinner. You won’t be as hungry. And you’ll end up eating only what you need.
4. Keep Pre-cut Veggies and Fruits in Your Fridge
If it’s ready to go, you’ll be more likely to grab for it. The most common reason people go for pre-packaged and heavily processed food is because of the convenient aspect. Make eating healthy convenient for you. It doesn’t have to be complicated or hard work.
5. Don’t Grocery Shop Hungry
This is the time where you will cave, and buy everything and anything that looks good. Eat before heading to the grocery store. And make a list. Then, stick to that list.
6. Start Trying Out New Healthy Recipes
Make it fun. Try out new meals. Keep it interesting. Free and healthy recipes are in abundance online. And they aren’t all salads. Try fish, chicken, stir fry varieties, and more!
7. Ask For Dressing or Sauces on the Side
Out at a restaurant for dinner? Get the sauce or dressing on the side. Normally, this is where the calories rack up. Only use the amount you need or want. It’s likely not going to be the whole thing.
Clean up your diet with the above easy-to-implement tricks. They’re small, easy, and entirely possible. Start using them right here and right now. Change your life for the better